Thursday, October 31, 2019
Probation Officers versus Parole Officers Research Paper
Probation Officers versus Parole Officers - Research Paper Example A prisoner may also be allowed a time of freedom (with conditions) at the time of sentencing. The United States and individual state laws provide two options namely probation and parole which allows a period outside prison. It also allows for the provision of officers for close supervision and monitoring of persons let out of prison either on probation or parole. Most people, not associated with law may think that both these terms are similar and exchangeable with each other. But this is not the case. This paper compares the roles and responsibilities of each of these posts and will discuss the similarities and differences in the process. Probation officers vs. parole officers: Many states have both these posts and these officers are playing an invaluable role in helping offenders out of jail on probation and parole. Working with other agencies, they help offenders to integrate into the society while they are out of prison. Basic roles and duties are common across most states even th ough some factors like number of days outside of prison, conditions etc may vary from state to state. The purpose here is to provide a general view of these roles in order to provide an understanding of what a probation and parole officer is expected to do. Meaning of probation and the Roles of probation officers: Probation is a court directive that places an accused under the control, supervision and care of a person so that the offender need not enter a prison to carry out the judgment meted out to him or her subject to certain conditions (Petersilia, 1998, p. 14). The primary role of the probation officer is interacting, helping and supervising the probationer. In order to make the system effective, their roles require them to ââ¬Å"work not only with federal judges and other court professionals, but with U.S. attorneys, defense attorneys, Federal Bureau of Prisons and U.S. Parole Commission officials, state and local law enforcement agents, treatment providers, and community le aders. Officers deliver services that benefit the court, the community, and the offenderâ⬠(US Trial and Pretrial Office ââ¬â Western Missouri, n.d.). The quote indicates that the roles required are complex and varied since a large number of agencies are involved. The post was formed after the implementation of the Probation Act of 1925 (US Probation Office, n.d.). Unless otherwise stated, all information given below is sourced from the article on the roles of a probation officer published by the US Probation Office. The first role required by the officer is to conduct a background check of the accused before a final verdict by the court. All factors such as the personal life, background, financial dealing, and previous criminal history of the accused need to be taken into account. The nature of the crime and the events that led to subsequent arrest will also be a part of the investigation. After a logical analysis of information collected, the officer then has to prepare a concise report, stating all relevant facts to the court in which the trial is held. This report will be an additional source of investigative information (apart from what has been presented during the trial) that will assist the judge in arriving at a verdict. As in the case of parole, probation officers also need to provide a supervisory role. The
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Socratic Theory of Recollection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Socratic Theory of Recollection - Essay Example What is education Are there any general objectives for it Are there any universal methods in it Is there such a thing as the typical child upon whom they may be practiced Traditionally, philosophical methods have consisted of analysis and clarification of concepts, arguments, theories, and language. Philosophers, as philosophers, have not usually created theories of education (or teaching, learning, and the like); instead, they have analyzed theories and arguments--sometimes enhancing previous arguments, sometimes raising powerful objections that lead to the revision or abandonment of theories and lines of arguments. (Leon Bailey, 205)However, there are many exceptions to this view of philosophy as analysis and clarification. The classical Greek philosophers, for example, construed philosophy much more broadly and explored a host of questions that later philosophers--more narrowly analytic in their outlook--rejected as outside the scope of philosophy. Indeed, for the Greeks, "philosophy" meant "love of wisdom," and today we think of their discussions as part of an "immortal conversation." Many of us believe that philosophy went too far in rejecting t he eternal questions, and there are signs that philosophers may once again invite their students to join in the immortal conversation. Socrates was one of the philosophers who grounded independent education, stating that both teacher and pupil had equal roles in the process of education. Further we will discuss Socrates' theory of recollection in the view of saying: " "There is no such thing as teaching, and no such thing as learning".Socrates' attitude to knowledge and education was clearly announced in Apology: a life of the former kind is not worth living. Once one recognizes one's ignorance, one must recognize that a life in such a state is not worth living. One must make it one's chief concern to seek out "wisdom, truth, and the best possible state of one's soul." Nevertheless, in the early dialogues, Socrates puts forth no substantive view about how such knowledge is to be acquired, either because he failed to recognize the problem or because he had no solution to it. (Charles J. Brauner, 353-355) His contribution is limited to seeking out those who profess to care about these things, questioning them, examining them, and testing them, learning from them if they know (unfortunately no one he meets does), and persuading them of their ignorance if and when they do not. Socrates had the support of the Delphic oracle (and perhaps even his daimonion) to sustain his faith that this was enough.The teacher, according to Socrates, is the leader of civilization. He must pursue truth even when his contemporaries oppose him. Integrity, above all, is demanded from the schoolmaster. The function of the teacher, according to Socrates, is to awaken the average man. The majority, he felt, is guided by irrational thoughts and lethargy, and lives in a cave of half-truths and illusions. Once the student is stirred, and once he becomes aware, he sees a new meaning in life. He probes and he questions. He is guided by curiosity and takes pleasure in
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Semantic Deviation In Pride And Prejudice English Language Essay
Semantic Deviation In Pride And Prejudice English Language Essay Jane Austin was an English novelist. Her books are notable for the wit, social observation and insights into the lives of early 19th century women. She was born in 1775 in Hampshire. She began to write when she was a teenager. Her first novel was Sense and Sensibility which was published in 1811.The second novel she wrote was Pride and Prejudice. This novel became very famous and was appreciated. Her next novel Mansfield Park was published in 1814, and then Emma in 1816.In 1816 Jane became ill due to Addisons disease. She died in Winchester on 18 July 1817. The two novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey were published after her death. And a final novel was left incomplete. Pride and Prejudice was the most popular novel of Jane Austin. The story of the novel takes place in early nineteenth century. Critics praised Jane Austens characterization and portrayal of everyday life. Human weakness is a prominent element in this novel. Austin made use of irony to expose foolishness and hypocrisy. Dialogue plays an important role in Pride and Prejudice. Each characters speech is appropriate. From the speech it is revealed that what they are like. Elizabeths talk is direct and outspoken, Mr. Bennetts speech is sarcastic, Mr. Collins speeches are very long and boring, Lydias speeches are carefree and not serious. The incidences in Pride and Prejudice can be related to every day life i.e. embarrassments, foolishness, falling in love, realizing own mistakes, etc. Austens works possess a timeless quality, which makes her stories and themes as relevant today as they were two hundred years ago. Deviation means depart from an established course or normal standards. There are many types of deviation like syntactic or grammatical deviation, lexical deviation, graphological deviation, phonological deviation, and semantic deviation. In this research the main focus is on Semantic deviation. Semantic deviation shows that a word or phrase can have many different meanings. A word can be taken in different contexts. The real meaning can be different from apparent meaning. Semantic deviation includes irony, paradox, metaphor, simile, pun, style. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW Dr.Sarala Krishnamurthy examined the lexis of Selman Rushdies Midnight Childrens.The method she applied was both qualitative and quantitative. In this research she worked on the use of neologism, compound words, and borrowing in the novel. According to her examination the most important feature in Rushdies work is the use of neologism. The neologism is identified in two ways : morphological and borrowing. In the novel the Indian words are given affixation, such as Pajamas, phirangis. With these words affixation s is used to convert them into plural form. The second type of neologism used is the Indian suffix are attached to English words, such as cousin ji and sister ji. The suffix ji in Urdu and Hindi is attached to any noun. The third type is when with English root morpheme, Hindi root morpheme is attached, such as: Paan shop, hot channa, Indian fauj. In these words Paan, channa and fauj are Hindi morphemes which are attached to English morphemes. Compound words are also formed by taking words from both the languages. The example of compound words is: dia lamp, where dia is the equivalent of the word lamp. The suffix y is also used with words, such as: shivery, glass cloudy, house wifery. The affixation ed is also used to create neologisms. Rushdie creates many adjectival forms by adding affix ed. The examples are: One eye browed, many headed, etc. The affixation ing is also used, which leads to the formation of compound words, such as: lip jutting, crazy sounding. The notable point is that all the examples given are used for the first time in Midnights Children and this extend the resources of English language. In this novel the compound words are formed in different ways. The ways are unusual collocation, co-joined words, word clusters, and noun phrases. The example of the each way is given below: Unusual collocation: 1. Biriyanis of determination 2. Carrot and stick affair Co-joined words: 1. whatsitsname what is its name 2. Godknowswhat God knows what 3. Talldarkhandsome tall dark handsome Word clusters: 1. they we should 2. patience wait Noun Phrases: 1. two day long procession 2. losing national dice game 3. Going to pot The last thing to be noted in the novel is borrowing. The words are borrowed from Urdu, such as: khansamaa, maulvi saab. The names of Hindu gods are also used, such as: ganesh, hanuman. The names of Hindi dishes, such as: lassi, khichri, ladoo are used in the novel. The names of Indian clothing: dupatta, kurtaa, pajama, are also made part of the novel. Indian expressions and the words of other languages that are spoken in India are also used in the novel. In the end Sarala concludes that these lexis are important because it is lexical deviation and the other reason she gives is that the usage of these words tell the world about the Indian word expressions. Agemo, Oluwatosin Stella examined The stylistic analysis of some selected poems of Wole Soyinka. He mentioned that the writer makes use of unusual word order in the form of Anastrophe and parenthesis. Examples are: In vain your bangles cast charmed circles at my feet (Abiku). Caught I was, foully (Telephone Conversation). This word order interrupts the normal syntactical flow of the sentence, to create emphasis and to capture the attention of the reader. The writer has also made use of word omission, i.e. ellipsis and asyndeton. Examples are: Must I weep for goats and cowries. For palm oil and sprinkled ask? (Abiku) I saw your jealous eye quench the Seas Flourescence, dance on the pulie incessant (Night) This creates shortness of time, emphasis or ambiguity. The scheme of repetition is also used in the poems. Repetition is used deliberately for the sake of emphasis. It helps to grasp the attention of the reader. The lexico-syntactic choices i.e. similie and metaphor are also used in abundance in the poem. These are used to give clearness and liveliness to words. Examples are: Similie: I bear no bear no heart mercuric like the clouds (Night). As lightning shrink to ants antenna (To my first white hairs). Metaphor: Ill be the suppliant snake coiled on the doorstep (Abiku). The comparison is made between two words that are different from each other and they are bond together to create similarity between them. Instances of hyperbole, hypernyms, onomatopoeia, synecdoche, pun, assonance, consonance are also present in the poem. The usage of these schemes and tropes provide musical effect and color to the poems. Graphological deviation is also present in the poem like capitalization, bold print, and spacing. All of these things found out together give effective meaning. To convey the meaning to the reader and to grasp their attention the language used should be meaningful. Soyinka use of language conveys the meaning to the reader that what the poet wants to convey. The stylistical devices help the poet to beautify and give rhythm to the text. By this analysis it is shown that there is a difference between poetic and non-poetic language. Bahaa-Eddin M. Mazid examined A stylistic analysis of Larkins Talking in Bed. According to his analysis the lexical items, with different connotations and denotations, grammatical structures, categories all combine together to produce three main isotopies of the poem i.e. language, love and nature. These items also establish the cohesive chains and the three sub-worlds of the poem- the tenseless, present and past. In the poem an emotional linguistic predicament of a couple is encountered, who cannot communicate and who used to be honest. Now they are unable to speak the truth and to be nice. The thing which is more problematic is that there is no one to help and conjure them. This is the context of the poem, it tells about the interpersonal relation ships. The poem consists of twelve lines. The first stanza consists of two clauses. And the second stanza starts with adverbial clause Lying together. The qualities and attributes associated with human beings are lasting only for a short time than those associated with natural objects and other phenomenon.Talking in bed is a metalinguitic poem. The poem is about the use, misuse and abuse of language. One isotopy that cross cuts the nature and the love isotopies is that of night. Thus, in bed, lying together, dark towns and isolation finds their ideal environment in the night. Night, sex and love are closely related with each other. The intimate style is filled with ellipsis, nonverbal communication and private code characteristics. Human involvement is more obvious in the last two clauses in the poem. In the whole poem the theme is dark, tone is bleak with disappointment. Irony is also the dominant feature of the poem. There is a mismatch between imagination and reality.Talking in bed is as modern as The Wasteland. It is about the agony of alienation, the irony of senseless sex-pillow-talk that cannot be easy and bed partnership that can no longer be honest the loss of faith in communion and the death of true or kind language. The poem is true to its own genre and author. In this the writer does The brief stylistic analysis of The Great Gatsby. The play describes the hollowness of the upper class. It also tells us about that what happened to the American dream. In the play Fitgerald made use of imagination and symbolism to present the moral history of his time.The use of symbolism made his work to connect the objective with the subjective. He starts the novel in the present, narrates the important events of the story. In chapter 4,6 and 7 the writer gradually reveals the story of Gatsbys past. In chapter 9 the past and the present come together. The key to the structure of the novel is the combination of the first person narrative and the revelation of the past gradually. The two devices worked together perfectly. If anyone of these was not used than the meaning will not be delivered clearly. In section 1 of the play abstract nouns and many multi-syllable adjectives are used, such as: riotous (adj.) à ¼Ã
â excursion (n.)à ¼Ã
âprivileged (adj.) g limpse (n).The formal words are also used,such as exempt, register. The psychology of Nick is revealed by the use of multi-syllable adjectives. The sentence structure is complex. The internal complex and feelings of Nick are described in three sentences only in the first section of the play. Long but simple sentences are used in the section 2.there is one subjective clause and several coordinate sentences. For example, Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner and thatà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him,à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦.The simile is also used in the Great Gatsby. The sentence Her voice is full of money is a metaphor. The purpose of using metaphor is to give readers aesthetic sense. In the end the analyst concludes that the language used in the play is formal. And it appeals to the reader. Dan McIntyre examined The stylistic analysis of E.E.Cummings poem.The title of the poem is listen. The poem is basically about the arrival of the spring and the happiness and joys it brings. On the other hand the poem also seems to be an address to the lover; the poet wants his lover to enjoy with him, the arrival of spring. The themes of spring, nature, sex and man are interred related with each other. The subject matter of the poem is not complex. There are many stylistic features present in the poem. The lexical features of the poem are examined. The poem mostly consists of nouns and verbs. Most of the nouns are concrete and only two are abstract .i.e. dream and miracle. The verbs used create a sense of immediacy. All the verbs which are marked for tense are in the present tense. We have present simple verbs .i.e. barks, present progressive forms .i.e. are [eagerly], tumb/ling, and o-p-e-n-i-n-g/are. The poet also made use of adverb of manner, which conveys a sense of speed. The adverbs used are: (quickly), excitement (crazily, eagerly) and inevitability (irrevocably).Directive verbs are used to address to the other person .i.e. (listen, look, comeà (x2),à runà (x2),à jump, shout, laugh, dance, cry, sing). These are used to request the addressee to enjoy the coming of the spring with the poet. For example, in the lines run run/with me now and sing)for its Spring. There is no neologism in the poem but some words are arranged in the poem in strange way. For example the word wonderful is divided in two lines, dividing it into two morphemes .i.e. wonderà andà ful. First the word gives the expression of noun wonder and if it is read again it seems to be the adjective wonderful. The most striking effect in {listen} is the use of deviations. Throughout the poem graphological deviation is present. The poet has deliberately capitalized the words in the middle of the sentence. The last line of the poem is highly fore grounded because all the letters are capitalized. Grammatical deviation is also used in the poem. Punctuations are applied where they are not required. An example would be in lines 12 and 13 o-p-e-n-i-n-g/are(leaves;flowers)dreams. Cummings has break grammatical conventions to convey the simultaneously coming thoughts. Due to which the groups of nouns run together without any punctuation. (E.g. lines 3 to 6 and line 22).the definite and indefinite references are within the same clause. i.e. this aà dog barks. The possible explanation could be that the poet uses this to refer that he is talking about the particular dog and on the other hand he uses a to refer that he is not familiar with the dog. Graphological parallelism is also used by the poet. All the first lines of the next stanza are separated by the above lines by double space. The poem has no rhyme scheme of regularity. There is no strict pattern adopted by the poet. In conclusion Cummings deliberately chooses to use such seemingly odd stylistic techniques in (listen). Stylistic helps the reader to understand the things in the text which are otherwise not understandable easily. Dominique Costa examined A stylistical analysis of Thomas Hardys: The Ruined maid. In the poem the lexical items used belong to variety of languages. The geographical, temporal, social dialects clearly appear in the poem. Terms such as thee, thou used belong to regional dialect. There occurrence is purposeful. Hardy used this device to draw the attention of the reader towards the characteristics of the country people. Expressions like digging potatoes, spudding up docks and barton belong to rural lexis. This enhances the young women social origin. The words like bracelets, dress, gloves which are associated with women are used frequently. Hardy uses expression related to feminity such as my dear, delicate cheek, delicate face. From this it is shown that the theme of woman hood is prevalent in the poem. Conjunctions are also used frequently. The conjunctions such as and, but are significant. The poem is built in parallel structures; two types of parallelism within the sentences are also used. The examples of parallelism are: In The Ruined Maid lexis, cohesion, syntax, sound plays a dominant role. References to the past and present are also constant ion the poem. The setting of the play is temporal. Metin TÃâà °MUÃâ¡Ãâà °N examined A stylistic study to explore the language of poems. The goal was to perceive the meaning and understanding the language of the text. The text which is taken into consideration is the poem of Siegfried Sassoon`s The Rear-Guard and Wilfred Owenss Anthem for Doomed Youth. The paper not only focuses on analyzing the text but also argues in favor of exploiting language based approaches in literature. In Sassoons The Rear-Guard the poet uses the poetic language of violence. The poet has himself experienced the violence as a soldier in world war 2.the themes of the poem are violence, and the trenches of the war. On the other hand in the poem of Wilfred Owenss Anthem for Doomed Youth the relations with family, army, poetry and Church are depicted. Sassoon and Owen both deal with the atrocities of the war. In Anthem for Doomed Youth in order to reveal the agonies, violence, silence of a family in mourning, sorrows of the people, Owen makes use of bot h the terms of army and church. In both the poems the words related with war are present i.e. guns, rapid rattle, stuttering rifles. Owen also uses the discourse of the church like: bells, prayers, mourning, choirs, candles, holly glimmers. In Owens poem we have lexical groupings of war and church. The main focus of the analysis was that how the words used convey the meaning to the reader. In The Rear Guard the feelings of a person are described who has himself faced the atrocities of war and he thinks that war is evil and unjust. It destroys the lives of people. In Owens poem Anthem for Doomed Youth the poet by using linguistic devices gives the message and lesson to the world that war should be prohibited. The war is not an enjoyable thing; it destroys the lives of people, homes and countries. Masanori Miyata examined Types of linguistic devices in Oliver Twist. The six types of deviation present in Oliver twist are taken under consideration. The phonological deviation is present in the dialogue of Gamfield, which shows typically substandard or vulgar language. The words of his speech are: acause(because),afore(before),nothink(nothing),etc. Graphological deviation is also part of the novel. The author uses parenthesis within the dialogue to reveal the inner thoughts of the character. For example: Have the goodness to look at me, said Mr.bumble, fixing his eyes upon her. (If she stands such an eye as that, said Mr. Bumble to himself. She can stand anythingà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦. (Mr. Bumble, XXXVII, 268) Capital letters and dashes are also used within the dialogue. In the dialogue by Fagin, Fagin retorted Nancy with rage in capital letters. WILL. Neologisms are also invented in the play. i.e. Greenland, merry-go-rounder. Dicken invented special terms like: beadlehood, henpeckery, half-baptized. New compound words are formed by combining two lexical items with hyphens; like: psalm-singers, concept-making, surgeons-friend, and orange-peel. Mr. Bumble add suffixes -er and -est. with adjectives in his dialogues, which normally proceed more and most in Standard English. Examples are: obstinater, ungratefullest, He also uses double superlatives i.e. most bare-facedest. Dickens also uses vague phrase; like: certain soft nothings. Oxymorons are also evident. For example: good unhealthy port, logically contradict but contextually consistent. Paradox like: night so long, and yet so short, are also applied by Dickens. Synecdoche, metaphor, simile all are the part of the play. Dickens ion his novel has used approximately all types of deviations, schemes, tropes and lexical features. Irony is prevalent throughout the novel. In conclusion Dickens creates new words and skillfully manipulates it in his novel. . .. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research Question: To analyze the semantic deviation in Jane Austins novel Pride and Prejudice 3.2. Delimitation: The text which is to be analyzed is Pride and Prejudice. It consists of 61 chapters, but the focus will be on first 25 chapters of the novel. The text will be analyzed semantically. The focus will be on semantic deviations used by the writer. The real meaning inherent in the apparent meaning will be focused. 3.3. Theoretical Framework: Stylistics is the study of style of language. It describes the usage of language in speech, written works and public affairs. Deviations are a part of stylistic analysis. Deviation means depart from an established course or normal standards. There are many types of deviation, like semantic, syntactic, graphological, register and grammatical deviation. But the focus in this research is only on semantic deviation. The main points which would be under consideration during semantic analysis of the novel will be irony, metaphor, paradox, pun, style.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Loose Technology :: science
Loose Technology What is a hacker one may ask? He doesn't wear a stocking mask over his face, nor does he break a window to get into your house. He doesn't hold a gun to your head, nor does he go through your personal possessions. Considering the situation, he recognized just the way a thief is recognized. But one strange thing about this thief is that youââ¬â¢ll never be able to see him, although you may not even realize right away that he's the one that robbed you. This thief is a computer hacker and he "enters" your home via your computer, which allows him to access your personal information. Amazing huh It's very difficult to imagine that any person in today's technological oriented world could function without computers. Personal computers (Pcââ¬â¢s) are linked to business computers and financial networks, and they are all are linked together via the Internet or other networks. As computer becomes more and more popular and important to our society, we can use computers everywhere and they are very useful and helpful to our daily lives. The extreme speeds and accuracy of computer has made people felt confident and reliable. Considering the population in the United States and throughout the world, there are more then a hundred millionth electronic messages that travel through cyberspace (internet) every day, and every piece of information is stored on a computer that is very vulnerable to attack. On any personal computers there are many important information or data are saved in the computer. Things such as: your diary, the financial statements of a company, or maybe something that is very secret which only the intelligence of the military or FBI department can read. A lot of important information can be found in the memory of computer. So, knowing the consequences people may begin to wonder and ask questions. As older and newer companies are emerging, companies are becoming more aware and scared by the fact that their computers are prone to attack. Virus scanners (such as McAfee or Norton) are becoming requirements on every machine. When it comes to installing such programs and monitoring these virus scanners, it usually takes tremendous amount of time and tons of money for site licenses. Many server programs are coming equipped with a program called ââ¬Å"netlog.â⬠Which makes it a big advantage because this program not only monitors the computer use of the employees in a company on the network but it also monitors memory and file usage.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Analysis of a Hearing Loss
SHS 150 November 26, 2012 Analysis of Experiences/Expressions of Hearing Loss About 37 million people, in America, are affected by a hearing loss of some kind (Hearing loss, 2011). Only about 15 percent of those affected actually get treated for their hearing loss, no matter how mild or severe (Brody, 2012). This means people are either in denial about the hearing loss or are not aware that they have one. In order to properly analyze the experience of having a hearing loss, I wore earplugs for 8 hours in activities I would do on a normal basis.Some of these activities include attending class, doing homework, shopping, eating at a restaurant, watching TV, and hanging out with my roommates. Wearing the earplugs simulated me having conductive hearing loss, a type of hearing loss in which sounds is not well conducted from the ear canal to the eardrum and middle ear bones (Conductive hearing loss, 2011). The degree of hearing loss simulated is mild, which means that speech understanding i s reduced, especially in noisy environments (Hearing loss, 2011). This experience gave me a little insight on how peopleââ¬â¢s lives can become more complicated by having a hearing loss.In my first activity with the earplugs in, I attended one of my regularly schedule classes. This class is in a decent sized lecture hall, where the professor was standing at least 50 feet away from where I was sitting. Normally in this class I would listen to the professor speak as I wrote down notes in my notebook. Because the earplugs hindered my listening ability, I was forced to stare at the professor throughout the class to even remotely hear what he was saying. I began trying to read his lips to help understand more of what he was saying, but when I did this I was not retaining the information he was saying out loud.I became very frustrated very quickly and realized I had not really learned much in this lecture. Next, I attempted to complete some homework back at my apartment. It was a littl e easier to concentrate on my work because the sounds of my roommates talking or music being played where not there to distract me, like they normally do. While doing my homework, one issue did arise; because I was so concentrated on reading, things I could have heard even with the simulated hearing loss were non-existent.My roommate came to ask me a question and ended up startling me because I did not hear her walk up before she touched my shoulder. She told me she had already started talking to me and that I was not responding at all. While shopping for groceries and at the mall, I had a whole other set of problems. At the grocery store, I could not tell when other shoppers where waiting behind me to pick an item I was standing by. This became frustrating for not only me but also the other shoppers.Later, I asked a worker where a specific item was located and could tell by the look on their face that I was speaking too loud. When he answered my question I had to ask them to repeat the last part of their sentence again because another customer was talking on their cell phone right next to us and the workers words became very distorted. The grocery store, as a whole, was a very noisy place so I heard a lot sounds but a lot of times all the sounds became jumbled. The mall was a very similar situation, except that I know my way around very well so I did not have to ask for help.However, I normally would have asked the workers at certain stores if they had any deals or if specific items came in a different size, but I refrained because I was already aggravated from the other activities of the day. When the greeters at the store entrances said something, I usually just smiled and kept walking unless I could clearly hear what they said. I am sure it was an awkward encounter for them if I did not say anything back but I did not want to hear them wrong and say something wrong and embarrass myself. Needless to say, I left the mall empty handed.Two activities that prov ed to be less irritating than I originally thought they would be was watching TV and hanging out with my friends. I turned the TV volume up, which helped me hear it somewhat better. Also, I was mostly watching a football game so I could see how that could be less challenging than a sitcom because even if I could not hear every word the announcers were saying I still knew what was going on if the game. The last major event I wore the earplugs too was going out to eat with my family. This proved difficult since there was music playing and a lot of other groups talking throughout the restaurant.When ordering I had to really concentrate on what the waiter was saying so I did not have to ask him to repeat himself. I did a pretty good job but I was a little slower reacting to some of his questions than normal, as it took longer to process what he was saying. Once the 8 hours of wearing the earplugs was up I was very relieved to take them out. Conductive hearing loss can be caused by numer ous things, mostly commonly an ear infection, impacted earwax, a damaged ear drum, and poor Eustachian tube performance (Conductive hearing loss, 2011).As mentioned before, almost 85 percent of people with a hearing loss choose not to get treated by a doctor. Hearing loss awareness is not as high as it should be in America. Most people believe losing hearing is just a part of getting older, but some other reasons could be affecting their hearing and could eventually be reversible. In certain cases, the cause of a hearing loss could be a tumor, which if not treated could be deadly (Hearing loss, 2011).With the use of iPods and other listening devices increasing in kids and teens, their risk of obtaining a hearing loss is also increasing. They are most likely not aware how listening to their music too loud can affect their hearing. More awareness needs to be brought to this subject as well as other similar situations. Even if a persons hearing loss is something that can be fixed with a hearing aid, it is important to get one because activities such as driving, walking across a street, and working in certain environments could be dangerous, if you cannot hear properly (Brody, 2012).Through this experience, I have had a small taste of how a hearing loss can truly affect my everyday activities. It was a very lonely and sometimes depressing situation because simple communication was a labored tasked. I am normally very big on multi-tasking, but in certain cases the simulated hearing loss hindered my ability to do other things as I tried to listen to someone speak. The best word I can find to sum up how the whole experience affected me is I felt disconnected.The worst part about this disability is it is a hidden one. Other than some people wearing hearing aids, a person with a hearing loss is not always identifiable and therefore much harder to distinguish if they need assistance with something just by looking. From this experience, I have decided if I ever develop a hearing loss, I will visit a audiologist right away to figure out the problem for my safety and the safety of everyone around me. References 1. Conductive hearing loss.American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. asha. org/public/hearing/conductive-hearing-loss/ 2. Hearing loss. (n. d. ). House Research Institute. (2011) Retrieved from http://www. hei. org/education/health/loss. htm 3. Brody, J. E. (2012, January 26). Personal Health: Lifelines for People With Hearing Loss. Health and Wellness ââ¬â Well Blog ââ¬â NYTimes. com. Retrieved from http://well. blogs. nytimes. com/2012/01/16/personal-health-lifelines-for-people-with-hearing-loss/
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Discourse Analysis Features of Context
Name: Duong Hong Anh Group: 06. 1. E1 Date: 01/02/2010 ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â Discourse Analysis Assignment 1 Text: [pic] [pic] Features of context 1. Addressor: a BBC journalist 2. Addressee: the US readers 3. Audience: online readers 4. Topic: US to resume shortly Haiti medical evacuation flights 5. Setting: place: in a column of online BBC newspaper; time: February 2nd, 2010 6. Channel: writing 7. Code: Standard American English 8. Message-form: journal article . Event: BBC news 10. Key: informative, updated 11. Purpose: to inform about actions of the USA government to help Haiti and some other related issues. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â US to resume shortly Haiti medical evacuation flights The Unit ed States will resume within hours emergency evacuation flights for critically injured Haitian quake victims, the White House has said. The airlifts stopped last Wednesday because of what Washington described as ââ¬Å"logistical issuesâ⬠. Doctors warned scores of people would die if the flights did not resume soon. Meanwhile, some of the Haitian children identified as orphans by a group of Americans who were taking them abroad may have parents, it has emerged. Haiti imposed new controls on the movement of children following the 12 January earthquake that killed up to 200,000 people. Officials fear that orphans are now particularly vulnerable to being abducted and sold for adoption. Also on Sunday, the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) began a large-scale aid distribution at 16 sites across Haiti's capital, aiming to feed two million people. Only women will be allowed to collect the 25kg (55lb) rice ration, enough to feed a family for two weeks. ââ¬ËOn track' White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a statement on Sunday evening: ââ¬Å"Having received assurances that additional capacity exists both here and among our international partners, we determined that we can resume these critical flights. â⬠ââ¬Å"The flights are on track to resume in the next 12 hours. Patients are being identified for transfer, doctors are making sure that it is safe for them to fly, and we are preparing specific in-flight paediatric care aboard the aircraft where needed. Mr Vietor said the US government had worked with international partners, NGO's and US states to increase capacity to treat the Haitian patients. Hundreds of patients with spinal injuries, burns and other wounds have been flown on US military planes to America since the quake. Most of them have been treated in Florida. But the US halted the so-called mercy flights o n Wednesday. A White House spokesman told the BBC the move was due to ââ¬Å"logistical issuesâ⬠, not over medical costs as had been reported earlier. Last week, Florida Governor Charlie Crist warned President Barack Obama's administration that the state's ââ¬Å"healthcare system is quickly reaching saturation, especially in the area of high-level trauma careâ⬠. Mr Crist also asked the federal government to activate the National Disaster Medical System, which usually pays for victims' care in domestic disasters. ââ¬ËHungry and dehydrated' On Sunday, SOS Children's Villages international charity said at least one of the 33 Haitian youngsters whom the Americans had tried to take out of Haiti, a little girl, insisted her parents were alive. Charity spokesman George Willeit told journalists the girl said she had believed she was being taken to a boarding school or summer camp. Mr Willeit also said many of the children had been found to be in poor health, hungry and dehydrated. One of the smallest ââ¬â just two or three months old ââ¬â was so dehydrated she had to be taken to hospital, he added. Haitian authorities said none of the children had documentation or proof they were actually parentless. ââ¬ËMistake' The 10 Americans, who are now in police custody in Port-au-Prince, said they were taking them to an orphanage in neighbouring Dominican Republic. The five men and five women, from Idaho-based charity New Life Children's Refuge, were stopped while travelling on a bus with the children on the border with neighbouring Dominican Republic. They said the youngsters had all lost their parents in the quake. Laura Silsby, the group's leader, said the arrests were the result of a mistake. ââ¬Å"Our understanding was that we were told by a number of people, including Dominican authorities, that we would be able to bring the children across,â⬠she said. The mistake we made is that we didn't understand there was additional paperwork required. â⬠But the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, in Port-au-Prince, says the regulations are very clear ââ¬â each case of child adoption must be approved by the government. Even before the earthquake, he adds, child-smuggling was a massive problem in Haiti, with thousands of children disappearing each year. (Source: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/americas/8490469. stm, retrieved on Feb 2nd 2010)
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